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9:00 AM
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10:30 AM
Owings Mills/ Reisterstown Campus
11:00 AM
Columbia Campus
Summer 2023 Speaker Lineup
We can't wait to see you this summer as this amazing lineup of speakers takes the stage! Make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel so that you don't miss a single word.

Latest Sunday Service
Sunday June 25th
Who Stole My Joy?
Ready for a midyear “joy checkup?” In today’s message, Minister Tracey Tiernan Coiro shares that when you make the decision to be all in with Jesus, you discover that He has always been all in with you.
Sunday July 2nd
Persevering to Your Promise
Don’t lose sight of your promise! From Romans 5, Kevin Turpin II brings a word on how we can keep our eyes on the Lord and persevere in the midst of our test.
Sunday July 9th
God's Grace for Burned Out People
Pastor Will Eastham shares a message on “the wall of burnout.” What does the Bible say about believers that have hit the wall, and how can God redeem our situation for His good? Open up your Bible to 1 Kings 19 to read along as you listen to this inspiring word.
Cover Me!
In Dr. Anderson’s book Gracism: The Art of Inclusion, the 2nd saying of a “Gracist” is I WILL COVER YOU. The biblical reference for this phrase is 1 Corinthians 12:23 (NIV) which says “the parts that are unpresentable are treated with special modesty.” The NLT reads, “we carefully protect those parts that should not be seen.” Are there parts of you that you’d rather not be seen? Listen to this powerful message from Pastor Gary Coiro where he teaches on the Biblical basis of the importance of covering those who need it most.
Sunday July 16th
In the Gospel of Mark Chapter 4, Jesus tells four parables about being rooted in Christ. This message from Pastor Sandy Pope is focused on the “Parable of the Sower” and how we can get beneath the surface level of our hearts to grow strong roots in Christ.
Maximizing the Moments of Your Life
Are there Biblical principles that we can apply to our lives to make the most of every moment? What do we need to do to make sure our God-given purpose is fulfilled and not wasted? Listen to this powerful word from Pastor Dave Michener at our campus in Owings Mills/ Reisterstown to learn about how we can shine our light for God’s good.
Sunday July 23rd
Has the Lord been faithful to you? While faithfulness might mean something different or look different for each of us, God’s faithfulness is the ultimate example of commitment. Today’s message from Pastor David Heiliger explores the Bible’s expectations for our faithfulness and how we can expand our “faithfulness quotient.”
Sunday July 30th
The Key to Victory
What is victory? Did you know that you are on the verge of a victory? This sermon from Minister Ronald Greene will teach us how to position ourselves to be ready for the victory that is coming our way.
When God Doesn't Show Up
Has there ever been a time in your life when you really needed God but He wasn’t there or didn’t show up? We know God is everywhere, but where was he when you needed him the most? Pastor Steve Hardnett shares a word on 6 things the Bible says we can do when it seems like God isn’t there.
Sunday August 6th
Is it ever too late to reset? We learn from the Psalms of King David that God’s love is unfailing, but how do we find restoration when we fail? Come hear from Pastor Eli Hernandez as he brings a word on the transformational power of God! Let’s praise God together as we close out our summer speaker series.
The Power of Gratitude
What is “overwhelming grace?” Pastor William Jin brings a message on how we say no to ungodliness and live in a way that honors God. You can also check out Pastor Jin’s blog on gratitude and grace at this link.
Sundays in August
Dr. David Anderson is back!
Every year in August before the ministry year kicks off in September, Dr. David Anderson takes us back to the old testament for a character study. Who will this year’s study be on? Check out past August series lineups in the links below.

Get To Steppin'
Any of us can find ourselves stuck. We can be stuck in our past or stuck in a rut even now, in our present. God uses Abrams’ life to get him, his family, and an entire generation unstuck. God will often ask us to take steps of obedience to move us toward His destiny for us. If we will take one step at a time and put one foot in front of the other, God will be with us and show for us, each step of the way.
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