Sermon Series from Dr. David Anderson
Have you ever wondered how God speaks? Besides his written and prophetic words, and in addition to His Holy Spirit speaking to our hearts, God speaks in sign language. Have you seen the signs of Christ's return?
I Saw the Sign
December 3rd
Have you noticed the signs all around us that magnifies the fact that the end is near? Jesus Christ told us that there are 9 signs that will come to pass before his return. In this message Dr. Anderson will teach about the “signs of the times” from Matthew 24.
Sign Me Up
December 10th
The bible teaches that there is a reservation book in eternity called the “Book of Life” in Revelation 20:11-15. This sermon will talk about how each person can be sure that their name is written in the book of life.

God, Please Give Me A Sign
December 17th
We often want God to give us a sign when we are facing a decsion or have a need for direction. Because of God‘s grace, sometimes God gives us signs of direction and confirmation. However, we should always remember that the greatest sign is what Jesus did on the cross over 2000 years ago. Dr. Anderson will make this point by teaching about the Sign of Jonah in the bible. (Matthew 12:38-39, 16:4; Luke 11:29-30)
Holiday Services
Sunday, December 24th
Ready to celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve? Come join us! We will have three services on Sunday, December 24th where we will praise and worship together with our diverse church family!
At 9:00 am, we will have a service at the Columbia Campus that will also be broadcasting live on our Facebook and YouTube channels. While we hope that you can join us in-person, we understand that health and travel challenges can keep you away. We livestream the 9am service every Sunday and every service is available on-demand anytime for you to stream and share with others.
At 10:30 am, we will have service at the Owings Mills/ Reisterstown Campus that will not be broadcast online. Join our multicultural and multigenerational church in this more intimate atmosphere as we sing and learn about Christ on Christmas Eve!
Then at 11:00 am, we will have another service at the Columbia Campus.
BridgeKids, our program for K-5th grade, will also be available at all 3 services, but we could use your help! With the influx of families attending Sunday services, would you consider volunteering with BridgeKids? Check out this link for more information. Don’t miss this chance to build into the lives of these amazing children.
Sunday, December 31st
In addition to our normal Sunday morning services (times below), we will have a special evening prayer service to reflect upon the past year, thank God for His faithfulness, and pray for God’s guidance in the coming year. Celebrate the start of 2024 with us at the Columbia Campus at 11pm on December 31st.
NYE Sunday Service Times:
- 9:00am – God Stories
- Columbia Campus
- Facebook & YouTube Livestream
- 10:30am – God Stories
- Owings Mills/ Reisterstown Campus
- 11:00am – God Stories
- Columbia Campus
- 11:00pm – Prayer and Praise
- Columbia Campus