Any of us can find ourselves stuck. We can be stuck in our past or stuck in a rut even now, in our present. God uses Abrams' life to get him, his family, and an entire generation unstuck. God will often ask us to take steps of obedience to move us toward His destiny for us. If we will take one step at a time and put one foot in front of the other, God will be with us and show for us, each step of the way.

Get Up and Go
Getting Unstuck and Moving Forward in Faith
Dr. David Anderson is back! Join us as we begin a study on the Old Testament character Abram, whom you may know as Abraham. Let’s worship together through communion and praise the God who can turn our situation around. Get up and get to steppin’!
Just Say No
Renewing Your Faith from Negative Thinking
Ready for a powerful word? Dr. David Anderson is back for another installment in our character study of Abram where we will learn how to get out of the pit of our negative thinking and step forward in renewed faith. Join us for this amazing word and let’s Get To Steppin’!
Don't Put Your Faith to the Test, God Will
Trusting God Through Trials
Join us for an inspiring church service as Dr. David Anderson continues our character study on Abram and his ultimate test from God. Discover how Abram’s story reveals that even in the midst of challenges, God provides and fulfills His promises. Don’t miss this powerful message.
Whom Shall I Fear?
Conquering Fear Through Faith & Wisdom
In this final installment of our character study of Abram, Dr. Anderson highlights what the Bible has to say about fear. He offers practical applications to conquer fear and teaches that God’s grace can still work in your life even after you’ve faced failure as long as you repent and surrender to His will. Trust in God’s promise and seek His presence to conquer fear and live in faith.