Partnership Download | Online
April 9, 2025
In Luke 5, Jesus is standing by the Lake of Gennesaret preaching the word of God to a crowd.
He saw Simon washing his nets after a long day of fishing with nothing to show for it. He got into Simon’s boat and told Simon to go out onto the water. Simon was reluctant but obeyed. In doing so they caught so many fish the fisherman needed help from their partners to bring the huge catch to shore.
If we are to do the work God has called us to, we need ALL of our partners to help us bring disciples into the kingdom.
Partnership is when a follower of Christ agrees to join together with other Christians for the purpose of carrying out the mission that Christ has called His local body to fulfill. At Bridgeway, partnership is accepting responsibility before God and to the church in helping fulfill the church’s mission: To build bridges into one another as we build bridges into our community.
These steps to partnership don't necessarily go in order, but we've laid out the plan below if you're ready to take the next steps!
Take a deep dive into who we are as a church and what your role is as a potential Partner.
Find your spiritual gifts, heart, personality and experiences. Discover and understand the S.H.A.P.E God gave you.
Baptism is for those who have committed their lives to Christ and is required in becoming a Partner. However, you do not need to have been baptized through Bridgeway to be a Partner.
Read the Partnership Packet and complete the Partnership Request form.
Steps 1-3 need to be complete before submitting the request form.
This is a time for us to get to know you better. This conversation can be scheduled at any time agreeable to the Elder/ECW and the partnership candidate.
We request that partners find a place to serve in the church within 6 months of becoming a partner. We encourage you to fill out this request form to get more information on where you can use your SHAPE to serve our congregation!
As a Bridgeway Partner, continue to grow in your faith and in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Further your spiritual growth through our discipleship resources. Visit our Discipleship page for more information.
Ready to become a Partner? These classes are where the process starts - jump in and learn more about Bridgeway and learn more about yourself. We try to make sure that there is always a class available, but if you don't see an upcoming class, fill out the form below to contact us!
Click the checkbox for "I want to go through the process required to become a Partner with Bridgeway" on this form.
Kim Richeson is a volunteer assisting Pastor Gary Coiro (Bridgeway’s Director of InReach) by serving as the “Partnership Guide”. His role is to provide information and answer questions to help people follow the path to Bridgeway partnership. Please don’t hesitate to contact him if you have any questions about the partnership process or Bridgeway.