Haggai 2:6-9

“This is what the Lord Almighty says: ‘In a little while I will once more shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land. I will shake all nations, and what is desired by all nations will come, and I will fill this house with glory,’ says the Lord Almighty. ‘The silver is mine and the gold is mine,’ declares the Lord Almighty. ‘The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house,’ says the Lord Almighty. ‘And in this place I will grant peace,’ declares the Lord Almighty.”

Give God Glory

Vision Kickoff Sermon

It’s the ministry year kickoff! Come join us as Dr. David Anderson’s reveals the new theme for this ministry year and the relevance of the miracles of Jesus in our lives today. The theme for this year will challenge us to glorify God in all things!

Miracle Journal

Experience God’s glory. Record the miracles.

This year at Bridgeway, we’re journeying through every miracle of Jesus—and watching for the ones happening in our lives today. These Miracle Journals are designed to help you track both.

Use this journal to take weekly sermon notes and reflect on each miracle Jesus performed.
There is space to record your own miracles, so by next summer, you’ll have a powerful record of how God moved in your life.

Whether you prefer writing by hand or typing on a device, the journal is fillable and printable.

Download the PDF here or click the journal cover image to begin.

Let’s make this a year to Give God Glory—one miracle at a time.

Sermon Schedule

A year-long study on the miracles of Jesus

Jesus Turns Water into Wine at the Wedding in Cana

John 2:1-11
In his first teaching on the miracles of Jesus, Dr. David Anderson covers Jesus’ miracle of turning water into wine and how this event shows Jesus’ transformative power. Dr. Anderson’s sermon will cover three key lessons: to give your problems to Jesus, obey His commands, and declare your faith when He reveals His glory. All of this points us forward to the future celebration in heaven where Jesus will be together again with His church.

Join us for multicultural worship and communion!

Jesus Heals an Official’s Son at Capernaum in Galilee

John 4:43-54

In his second teaching on the miracles of Jesus, Dr. David Anderson’s sermon on John 4 emphasizes the importance of prayer and faith in Jesus’ power to heal. Using the story of the healing of the official’s son, he illustrates how standing “in the gap” for others through prayer can lead to miraculous healing, as Jesus’ presence and provision are not bound by time or location.

We also have special guests joining us for worship as we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month! This service will inspire you to strengthen your faith. Remember that through prayer and belief, God’s power can bring healing and miracles into the lives of those you love, no matter how far away they are.

Jesus Drives Out an Evil Spirit From a Man in Capernaum

Mark 1:21-27
Luke 4:31-36

Today we will learn about Jesus’ driving out an evil spirit from a man in Capernaum. Dr. David Anderson’s sermon focuses on the authority of Jesus in overcoming evil and emphasizes that believers must resist the devil’s schemes, walk away from dangerous situations with God-given authority, and fight spiritual battles using the full armor of God rather than fleshly weapons.

As we celebrate Hispanic and Latino Heritage, we’ll also learn about Bridgeway Missions around the world!

Jesus Heals Peter’s Mother-in Law Sick with Fever

Matthew 8:14-15
Mark 1:29-31
Luke 4:38-39

This week we will learn about the healing of Peter’s mother-in-law and how Jesus cares about not only His followers, but their households as well. This sermon from Dr. David Anderson will encourage us as believers to invite Jesus into our homes and lives, and respond by joyfully serving Him after experiencing His healing touch.

Come praise our God of miracles with our guest worship leader and invite Jesus into your life today.

First Miraculous Catch of Fish on the Lake of Gennesaret

Luke 5:1-11

Today we’ll learn about the fifth miracle of Jesus, the miraculous catch of fish on the Lake of Gennesaret and calling of the first disciples. This sermon on Luke 5 from Pastor Gary Coiro emphasizes the importance of obedience to Jesus, even when it doesn’t make sense, as it can lead to extraordinary blessings. You will be challenged to embrace the increased work and responsibility that accompany God’s miracles and learn to look for the deeper message behind and beyond just the miracle itself.

Join us in worship and prayer today as we celebrate the God who makes a way! This service will inspire you to step out in faith, use your unique gifts for God’s glory, and discover how obedience to Jesus can bring blessings beyond your imagination.

Jesus Cleanses a Man with Leprosy

Matthew 8:1-4
Mark 1:40-45
Luke 5:12-14

A powerful message from Pastor Dave Michener and Pastor Gary Coiro diving into the miraculous healing of the man with leprosy, showing how Jesus not only heals physical ailments but also cleanses us from the disease of sin.

These sermons will show you how Jesus’ compassion and willingness to heal can transform your life, cleanse you from the inside out, and empower you to make a difference in the lives of others.

Jesus Heals a Centurion’s Paralyzed Servant in Capernaum

Matthew 8:5-13
Luke 7:1-10

Join us as Dr. David Anderson returns and teaches on Jesus’ seventh miracle—healing the centurion’s paralyzed servant. In this powerful message, you’ll learn how humility, faith, and the authority of God’s Word can unlock miracles in your life. Discover how even a simple request made in faith can bring healing to your situation.

This service will encourage and equip you to trust in God’s authority to bring healing and transformation to your life.

Jesus Heals a Paralytic Who Was Let Down From the Roof

Matthew 9:1-8
Mark 2:1-12
Luke 5:17-26

Join Dr. David Anderson as he unpacks Miracle #8, where Jesus heals a paralyzed man whose friends lowered him through a roof. Discover the power of faith-filled friendships, the authority of Jesus to heal and forgive, and how to walk in freedom from what once held you back.

This service will encourage you to stand in your purpose and give God the glory for His life-changing work! Come join us in praise and worship.

Jesus Heals a Man’s Withered Hand on the Sabbath

Matthew 12:9-14
Mark 3:1-6
Luke 6:6-11

Join us as we learn about Miracle of Jesus #9 when Jesus heals a man’s withered hand on the Sabbath. Senior Pastor Dr. David Anderson will help us discover how the Sabbath reflects God’s love and rest, and we’ll learn why doing good, especially in challenging situations, honors God’s purpose.

This service will encourage you to embrace grace, compassion, and love in your walk with Christ. Join us as we worship together and learn about Bridgeway Missions around the world.

Jesus Raises a Widow’s Son from the Dead in Nain

Luke 7:11-17

Ready for a word? Ministers Lisa Bryson and Tracey Tiernan Coiro brought powerful sermons today on Jesus’ 10th miracle – reviving a widow’s son in Luke 7:11-17. Learn how God can bring life and hope to even our “dead” situations as we are challenged to have faith that Jesus can still bring restoration and healing today.

If you’re in need of encouragement, this service will remind you that no situation is beyond His power to revive! Join us for communion and a powerful time of worship from our multicultural choir.

Jesus Calms a Storm on the Sea

Matthew 8:23-27
Mark 4:35-41
Luke 8:22-25

If you’re navigating a storm in your life, this service will show you how God’s presence, promises, and peace are with us, even in the midst of chaos! Pastor Sandy Pope’s sermon on Jesus calming the storm highlights how God uses life’s unexpected storms to deepen our faith and lead us to His perfect will. Ant Patton’s sermon encourages believers to view life’s storms as transformative experiences where God reveals His power, peace, and faithfulness.

Jesus Casts Demons into a Herd of Pigs

Matthew 8:28-33
Mark 5:1-20
Luke 8:26-39

When we surrender to God, He uses our lives to display His miraculous power! Join us as Pastor Eli Hernandez and Pastor William Jin bring the word and challenges us to confront our inner struggles, trust in God’s authority, and embrace our stories to inspire others.

Ready to worship? Let’s praise our good God together.

Jesus Heals a Woman in the Crowd with an Issue of Blood

Matthew 9:20-22
Mark 5:25-34
Luke 8:42-48

Join us in communion today as Pastor Will Eastham and Karen Twigg bring sermons examining the miracle of the woman with the issue of blood. Focusing on how Jesus transforms pain into an opportunity for deeper intimacy and healing, the sermons explore key questions and encourage believers to bring their pain to Jesus.

Jesus Raises Jairus’ Daughter Back to Life

Matthew 9:18,23-26
Mark 5:21-24,35-43
Luke 8:40-42,49-56

Dr. Anderson’s sermon on Jairus’ daughter reminds us that Jesus is never “bothered” by our prayers and welcomes our persistence. If we call on Jesus to lead us through life’s darkest moments, we can see His miraculous power at work, bringing life and purpose to every situation.

Come worship with us and let this service inspire you to invite Jesus into your fears, walk with Him by faith, and keep seeking Him for your needs. Jesus is not only a healer; He is the Lord of life and the Savior of the world.

Jesus Heals Two Blind Men

Matthew 9:27-31

Today we kick off the first Sunday of the year with another sermon on the miracles of Jesus! The healing of the two blind men demonstrates how faith, even amidst limitations, can bring restoration and transformation. Dr. David Anderson encourages us to draw closer to Jesus, trust His power, and act in faith regardless of obstacles.

Come alive and thrive in 2025 with us!

Jesus Heals a Man Who Was Unable to Speak

Matthew 9:32-34

This sermon from Dr. David Anderson highlights the power of Jesus to deliver and heal, as seen in the Bible when we learn of a demon-possessed man who is freed and enabled to speak. Dr. Anderson teaches on the importance of using one’s voice to testify to God’s power, the urgency of participating in God’s work, and being willing to minister to those who are harassed, helpless, and in need of healing.

Jesus Heals an Invalid at Bethesda

John 5:1-15

This sermon from Dr. David Anderson highlights Jesus’ grace, compassion, and power in healing the invalid man at Bethesda, showing that God’s miracles transcend human effort, superstitions, and societal norms. We are called to seek Jesus in our struggles, trust in His timing, and practice true compassion by seeing, learning, listening, and then responding with wisdom.

Come worship with us and let your reliance on God lead to transformation!

Jesus Feeds 5,000 Plus Women and Children

Matthew 14:13-21
Mark 6:30-44
Luke 9:10-17
John 6:1-15

Today we will hear how Jesus, through his miraculous feeding of 5,000 people, reveals His power to provide abundantly and His heart to satisfy both physical and spiritual hunger. You will learn that God often uses what little we have and that true fulfillment comes not just from temporary provision but from Jesus, the Bread of Life.

Don’t miss this powerful message. Join us for worship and experience the miracle of God’s provision together!

Jesus Walks on Water

Matthew 14:22-33
Mark 6:45-52
John 6:16-21

Today we will hear how Jesus, through His walking on water, shows us that He meets us in the storms of life and calls us to trust Him beyond our fears. Through Matthew 14, Mark 6, and John 6, Dr. David Anderson will reveal how keeping our focus on Jesus, stepping out in faith, and inviting Him into our circumstances brings peace in the midst of life’s chaos.

Join us for worship and experience the miracle of God’s presence together!

Jesus Heals a Gentile Woman’s Demon-Possessed Daughter

Matthew 15:21-28
Mark 7:24-30

Today we will hear how Jesus responds to humble faith in the story of the Gentile woman who sought healing for her demon-possessed daughter. Teaching on Matthew 15:21-28 and Mark 7:24-30, Minister Juan Delgado will show us that faith, when persistent, humble, and trusting, excites the heart of God.

Join us for worship and experience the miracle of God’s presence together!

Jesus Heals a Deaf and Mute Man

Mark 7:31-37

Today we will hear how Jesus meets us in the most unexpected ways—through moments that feel out of control, deeply uncomfortable, and entirely overwhelming—to bring healing, breakthrough, and transformation. Pastor David Heiliger teaches from Mark 7, where Jesus heals a deaf and mute man, reminding us that faith often means moving forward despite the “red flags.” In this message, you’ll be encouraged to surrender control, embrace discomfort, and stay close to Jesus—because on the other side is a miracle that will leave you amazed.

Join us for worship and experience the miracle of God’s healing touch together! Don’t miss this word.

Jesus Feeds 4,000 Plus Women and Children

Matthew 15:32-39
Mark 8:1-13

Jesus Heals a Blind Man at Bethsaida

Mark 8:22-26

Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind by Spitting in His Eyes

John 9:1-12

Jesus Heals a Boy with an Unclean Spirit

Matthew 17:14-20
Mark 9:14-29
Luke 9:37-43

Miraculous Temple Tax in a Fish’s Mouth

Matthew 17:24-27

Jesus Heals a Blind, Mute Demoniac

Matthew 12:22-23
Luke 11:14-23

Jesus Heals a Woman Who Had Been Crippled for 18 Years

Luke 13:10-17

Jesus Heals a Man with Dropsy on the Sabbath

Luke 14:1-6

Jesus Cleanses Ten Lepers on the Way to Jerusalem

Luke 17:11-19

Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead in Bethany

John 11:1-45

Jesus Restores Sight to Bartimaeus in Jericho

Matthew 20:29-34
Mark 10:46-52
Luke 18:35-43

Jesus Withers the Fig Tree on the Road from Bethany

Matthew 21:18-22
Mark 11:12-14

Jesus Heals a Servant’s Severed Ear While He Is Being Arrested

Luke 22:50-51

The Second Miraculous Catch of Fish at the Sea of Tiberias

John 21:4-11