Global Missions


To engage, equip, and mobilize as we build worldwide bridges to Jesus Christ.


To be a growing multicultural movement of people using their unique gifts to join in God's mission to reach all nations for Jesus Christ.

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Missions Events & Classes

Whether you're interested in learning more about Bridgeway's Global Missions or you're looking to join an upcoming Mission Trip, these information and pre-requisite classes are for you!

Welcome Sergey & Helen!
Welcome Sergey & Helen!

Our partners from the Ukraine, Pastor Sergey and Helen, are coming to minister to our congregation in the US! From May 15th – 22nd join Bridgeway Missions as we welcome them and honor their work in Eastern Europe.

Learn About Missions & Our Missionaries

Bridgeway's Countries of Focus

Did you know that 58% of the world's population, or 4.2 billion people, do not have access to or have not heard the message of Jesus Christ? At Bridgeway, we believe the local church is the hope of the world; therefore, our philosophy of International Missions is to identify and partner with indigenous churches, organizations, and missionaries that are committed to bringing the Gospel to unreached communities. In addition to our local outreach ministry to care for our community, we have developed four countries of focus for our International Missions efforts, listed below.


Missions Employee

Dr. Jared Sorber

Associate Pastor
Global Missions