
Qualifications for Leadership

We are excited that you are interested in serving as a Ministry Champion Leader at Bridgeway Community Church. The application will involve interviews and coaching sessions. We take the responsibility of leaders very seriously and hope that you are open to a sincere process that confirms you are in the right role.

Be a Growing Christ-Follower

Display established spiritual disciplines in a way that feeds the soul and nurtures a relationship with the Lord and healthy family relationships.

Have a Clear Calling to the Ministry

Demonstrate spiritual gifts and passions that align with calling.

Demonstrate Competency

Communicate a level of competency that will further develop as you gain more experience.

Exhibit Biblical Traits

The Bible references a list of traits that should be exhibited by church leaders. Click this link for these scripture references.

Partner with Bridgeway

Accept responsibility before God and the church in helping fulfill the church’s mission through Partnership.

Articulate the Mission and Vision

Know and internalize Bridgeway's mission, vision, and values, along with the principles of Gracism and what it means to be a Gracist leader.

Leadership Seminars

If you are interested in becoming a leader of a group or ministry here at Bridgeway, you're in the right place! If you're already a partner, one of these classes would be the first step to get you equipped to be a leader.

No Upcoming Leadership Seminars or Events

Volunteer With Us

If you're not prepared to lead but still want to be able to serve our multicultural congregation, click here to submit a request to become a volunteer! You can also learn more about volunteering here at Bridgeway.

Leader's Resource Center

If you're already a leader here at Bridgeway and are looking to access our resource hub, click the link below.