Gideon Join Dr. Jared Sorber as he explores the narrative of Gideon from Judges 6:11-7:25. Dr. Sorber delves into the relatable aspects of...
Enough! Time to Get Up In this spiritually enriching service, Associate Pastor Eli Hernandez explores insights into overcoming longstanding challenges, embracing...
You’re Back Home, Now What? This ministry year at Bridgeway, we are blessed with a theme that is also a heartfelt invitation to “Come Home” with no judgment and no...
Joy to the World 🎉 As Christmas approaches, Minister Tracey invites us to do a JOY checkup, emphasizing the unshakable joy found in our best friend,...
The Hidden Treasure Join us as Minister Lisa Bryson explores the struggle to find our identity and place in the world amidst conflicting perceptions of self,...
Awe and Gratitude In 1897, Johnson Oatman penned these lyrics to a long beloved hymn: When upon life’s billows you are tempest-tossed, When you are...
The Beauty of the Body Three weeks ago, I was grabbing my second cup of coffee before preaching the Sunday service at Destiny Church in Cluj Napoca, the second...
Money Matters: Communication, Tithing, and Financial Stability There’s something truly beautiful about fall, isn’t there? It’s a season of reflection, gratitude, and getting ready for...
Can I Be Honest? A few months ago, my family and I went on vacation to the Tidewater area of Virginia. We make this particular trip at least once a year...