Worship 10/09/22 –Thank You | Do It Again Thank You Verse 1 Tragedies are common place All kinds of diseases, people are slipping away Economics down, people can’t get enough...
What Do You Deserve? “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is thy...
Love Note | UPPERROOM Cover Jesus is our passion, desire, and pursuit. We love to love Him as He has loved us. Our community centers itself first and foremost around...
Faith Over Fear On a recent family vacation, we spent time with with four generations of people living under the same roof in a beautiful setting...
10/02/22 – A Reason to Dance | Worthy | Goodness of God Reason to Dance ANWA Verse 1 He became sin who knew no sin That we might become His righteousness Verse 2 His body was broken For our...
Preciosa | Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month In the midst of Hurricane Fiona’s devastation of Puerto Rico, we honor and celebrate this precious heritage! “Preciosa”...
Worship 09/25/22 – I Will Lift Up Your Name | Goodness of God | Promises I Will Lift Up Your Name – 00:00 Tiffany Boone I will lift up ur name higher I will up ur name higher great Jehovah you’re...
Where Does It Hurt? When my daughter was younger, I remember when she would get hurt and come running into the room looking for help. There were a number of...
Sermon Series | Living A Make It Better Life How do we begin to live a life where we make everything better around us? The Bible shows us ways we can look at our own heart and attitude...