Have you heard that sound lately? This sound is the silence of the presidential election being over. Yes, there is pain in the silence for some of us, and happiness for others. However, with there being a conclusion we can at least try to move onward as fellow citizens….right?

It has become increasingly hard to move forward after our elections. The results of the election have real consequences on issues that we are deeply passionate about. Everything feels existential. If we win, we confront the temptation to be prideful because “the future of America has been saved.” If we lose, we are confronted with the fear that “the promise of America has been irreparably destroyed.” This existential feeling can bring out the worst in us.

So how do we as followers of Christ move forward when we are fighting against having our emotions influenced by the status of power of our preferred political party and ideology? How can we fully participate in our society, voting included, while never losing sight of our ultimate citizenship in heaven where we serve the only true and righteous King, Jesus Christ?

The Apostle Paul in his letter to Titus addresses a community of Christians who were living in a society that was known for lying and cheating. It gives us five practical ways to show our commitment to Christ while living in a society that does not reflect the full will of God.

Titus 3:1-2: Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and always to be gentle toward everyone.

So let us follow Paul’s instructions in setting our ambitions on being Christ Centered Citizens by

  • Respecting the government and its leaders.
  • Preparing to do good always.
  • Saying something nice or not saying it at all.
  • Avoiding bruising arguments and fights.
  • Communicating with gentleness, especially those with whom we disagree.

These actions are simple but feel so hard to do when reflecting on the real-life impacts of the results of our elections. In fact, they are impossible to do unless we are guided by the Holy Spirit. It is His Spirit that brings the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control into our lives (Galatians 5:22-23). It is this fruit that Paul is referencing in his letter to Titus when he is explaining how the Christian communities on the Greek Island of Crete should live out their commitment to Christ. It is the Holy Spirit who will empower our lives to reflect our citizenship in heaven. Our membership in the diverse heavenly community should guide our interactions in the American community where we all exist on earth.

When we choose to live by the Spirit, we will fill this period of anxious silence in our country with the sweet sound of the love of God. One immediate opportunity to put the love of God into practice is when we find ourselves at gatherings with family and friends who have different political thoughts than ourselves. It is in this setting that we can bring the fruit of the Spirit to the dinner table as the main course. As we choose to do this in all of our interactions with our family, friends, and fellow citizens, it will make a glorious sound that is even better than the Temptations singing Silent Night. This sound will bring heaven joy and point our fallen world to the only King who can save us from brokenness, Jesus Christ.

May God’s grace and peace be with you all,
Kevin Turpin II