Hello! My name is Heather and I am one of the newest members of the employee team here at Bridgeway! I’ve been here for a little over a month and it’s been an honor and blessing (and that’s quite the understatement) to be here with this new church family in this new chapter of my life. I have two sons who are my pride and joy, and I am a lover of the arts, an advocate for mental health, and passionate about God’s Word (and a good cup of coffee).

This season of my life has been a wild roller coaster and God is doing many new things. Sometimes it feels overwhelming. In my 14 years of walking with the Lord, I have often asked Him, “God, why did you make me this way?” or “God, why am I in this situation?” It can be so frustrating and confusing dealing with these questions about life while you are in the middle of living it.

Finding my way to Bridgeway has definitely been part of God’s miraculous plan, but while my life was in transition, I often asked him, “Why, God?” Now that I am settling into my new role and my new home, God seems to be whispering, “This is why…”

  • This is why you went through that really boring internship in college.
  • This is why you studied American Sign Language.
  • This is why you took that job as a preschool and substitute teacher when you had no interest in teaching.
  • This is why you met these people eight years ago.
  • This is why you learned video editing through past business dealings.
  • This is why you grew up in a military family and moved thirteen times.
  • This is why your parents put you through violin lessons for a year.
  • This is why I created you with a passion for culture and the arts.
  • This is why you took that playwrighting class in college.
  • This is why you experienced that season of loss, that season of grief, that season of pain.

He prepared me for such a time as this (Esther 4:14b). God is writing a story in your life too. As an artist, I love the idea of this grand tale being penned by the Author of Salvation. He is the Painter working on His masterpiece. We will only see pieces of the story as we live it, pieces of the art as He creates it, but we can trust that the Artist knows what He’s doing and that His plan is in motion. All art looks like a mess in the middle of it, but that Master Artist knows the beauty being completed.

Throughout Scripture, we see examples of people asking why and God saying, “This.” He’s been saying it since the beginning of time:

  • Moses asks why and God answers with the Promised Land.
  • Hagar asks why and God gave her son Ishmael twelve sons.
  • Job asks why and thousands of years later we are encouraged by his righteous character, humility, and perseverance.
  • The Old Testament prophets ask why and God answers with Jesus fulfilling the law.

Notice how most of the answers in the list above were given GENERATIONS later. You will not always get the why answer from God in this lifetime. This is where it becomes really important to trust.

Nothing is wasted in God’s economy.

God will use whatever it takes, no matter how seemingly small or meaningless, for His Glory. Any experience and every situation CAN be used for God’s glory. God won’t waste it. It doesn’t matter how mundane, boring, or monotonous the detail might be. We may not know the why or the this, but we can trust in the God who does.

Trust the God who makes masterpieces out of dust. Trust the God who uses everything you’ve ever experienced for His greater glory. Trust that our Father gives good and perfect gifts. Trust that He is the God who cares about the inner workings of your heart and home. Trust that He is the God who works all things for the good of those who love Him (Rom. 8:28).

Know that your why WILL be answered with a this someday – even if it’s the next generation that sees it. Walk on with an eternal perspective in the midst of anything life throws at you. It is truly sweet to trust in Jesus. We serve a God who lives in the intimate details of our lives, calling us to trust Him.

Like the hymn says:
Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus / Just to take Him at His word / Just to rest upon His promise / Just to know thus saith the Lord / Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him / How I’ve proved Him o’er and o’er / Jesus, Jesus, Precious Jesus / Oh for grace to trust Him more.

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