Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

Summer is almost here! Can you believe it? The Caribbean blood in me can hardly wait to bathe in the sun and enjoy the fruit of my labor. I have been working on my yard for what feels like years in preparation for June 20th, the official start of the summer season.

Getting ready for seasonal change is pretty extensive and time-consuming for us homeowners. I have a big yard with a pool and while it sounds fun and beautiful, the truth is that it takes a lot of work before I can enjoy it. In fact, I have noticed that I go through a “love/ hate” process every year when it comes to my backyard and seasonal change.

On the one hand, I love the pool, the breeze, and the birds chirping in the mornings while I am having my quiet time with the Lord on my back porch, breathing in nature, praying, and looking at the movements of my trees. On the other hand, I have questions: Why does it take so much work? Why does my schedule have to revolve around rain and not my personal preferences and timeline? Why does the grass grow so fast? Why is going to Home Depot so expensive? Why do my dogs keep eating my plants? The list goes on…

Through the years, taking care of my home has taught me how to take care of my spirit.

Be Proactive in the Preparation Process

With new seasons come new preparations. While I love enjoying the blessings of a new season, I can only minimize the frustration of the process by preparing for it. As a result, I log everything I learn about my house, yard, and the seasons such as “What time does the sunbeam at my house?” “What side of my house gets the most sun?”

Knowing this information is crucial to have a successful garden. I write about trouble areas and things I need to fix around the house. The list goes on and on, but the goal is to recognize that change is coming and I need to be proactive in the preparation process.

Different Seasons Require Different Sets of Tools

I must keep in mind what season I am in because each season requires a different set of tools and strategies to reap the results I am hoping for. For example, I wouldn’t recommend using a snow shovel to dig up dirt. It is not designed for it, therefore it doesn’t work effectively. For you to fully reap the harvest of your labor, you need to know what season you are in and what type of labor you would need to put into it to maximize results.

Focus on the Expectation

When seasons are changing, you can either focus on the pain or the expectation. I have different fruit trees in my backyard, and every year I cater to them according to the season. I already know that about this time I have to scare the birds trying to eat the fruit from my trees. Around April or May I start looking for “baby fruit” on my trees. When I see them begin to grow, I get excited and impatient about their growth every day. This is true even though I know that you can’t force the process of maturity and transformation. The fruit will grow at its time, and I just have to expect it. “Expectation” is crucial during the new season. It is what activates your discernment and spiritual ears. It takes faith to have “expectations” because you don’t really know what is to come. “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see” (Hebrews 11:1).

During this new season, I challenge you to prepare for what is coming, understand the season you are in, and expect a powerful move from God. In Matthew 9:35-38, Jesus taught us of the posture and attitude we need to have during this season:

And Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.

Let’s pray and activate for the Kingdom of God.

If you want to help prepare for the coming ministry year, I encourage you to join me and the Outreach Ministry.

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