This past ministry year has been guided by the theme, “Come Home,” and as we reflect on it, I am filled with a deep sense of joy and gratitude.This theme has resonated throughout our ministry as I invited people to Come Home to God and Come Home to church. We reflected on Acts 2:46-47, which paints a picture of the early church – a community where believers met daily, shared meals with gladness and sincerity, praised God, and enjoyed the favor of all the people. This passage serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative power of fellowship and the importance of creating a space where we can meet together and learn to serve God and each other. Throughout the ministry year we have witnessed Come Home come alive in many ways.

The announcement of our theme commenced with a sermon series called “Table Talk” where we sat around a table to discuss God’s word back in September 2023. I facilitated a discussion where congregants from our church shared their unique experiences of home and what it signifies to them. It was fascinating to discover how the concept of home held such diverse meanings. For some, it represented a haven of security, while for others, it was a vibrant space filled with noise and lively activity.

I led a dynamic 3-week series called “Dynamic Family Matters” in October. We tackled real-life challenges like family conflict, navigating finances across generations, and adapting to changing family dynamics as loved ones age. Throughout the series, I emphasized a message of empowerment: “do what you can with what you have, and trust that God can take care of the family members that you cannot completely care for right now. Do your best and let God handle the rest.”

To usher in the New Year, I led a series called “As for Me & My House” focusing on spiritual leadership in the home. The series explored how families can cultivate a Christ-centered environment by incorporating practices like praying together, praying for one another, and continuing to create a atmosphere of forgiveness.

The most significant moment for me this ministry year was paying off our 30-year mortgage at our original campus in Columbia in 15 years! I declared that from our church house to your house, the possibility and expectancy of debt freedom will be declared, passed down, and released from the spiritual head of our house to every household under the covering of Bridgeway. When we take care of the house of the Lord, God takes pleasure and is honored. When we take care of His house He will take care of ours. Debt-free is your destiny!

As we close out another ministry year, I’d love to hear from you!

Reflecting on the Year:

  • What were some of your highlights from the past year at Bridgeway?
  • Did the “Come Home” theme resonate with you in a special way?
  • Did you experience a rekindled relationship with family, or perhaps a meaningful return to church or a deeper connection with God?

Please share your stories at – I’m eager to hear about the amazing things God has done in your lives this year.

As I spend this summer seeking God’s guidance for the next ministry year, your prayers are appreciated. I pray that God continues to bless Bridgeway and that He downloads a vision that will truly inspire and empower our church family. Now, let’s get ready for a Summer of Prayer as our clergy and bible teachers teach us about our Lord’s model prayer.

With love and gratitude,
Dr. David Anderson

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