“But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint” (Isaiah 40:31).


I sat in my office, a quiet refuge amidst the busyness of Bridgeway Community Church. As the Pastor of Care, I find that days are often filled with heavy hearts and sorrowful stories. The weight of funerals, the anguish of broken families, and the tears of hurting individuals sometimes feel like a lot to bear. Today, however, an unexpected visitor brought a ray of hope.

A gentle knock on the door broke the silence. “Pastor Jin, do you have a moment?”

“Of course! Come in,” I replied, trying to mask the weariness in my voice. 

“I would like to share some H.O.P.E. with you. You see, hope to me is 

Hearing God’s voice

Opening my heart and senses to His movement

Persevering and trusting in Him

and He always Encourages me with His presence.”  

I liked what she was saying already.

She entered my office, her eyes sparkling with excitement. I was intrigued, so I leaned back in my chair ready to hear where this was going.

She began to share, her voice tinged with emotion. “About two months ago, my son called me hysterically on the phone. He had invited his best friend for a motorcycle ride, and his friend had brought along two other guys. They met at my son’s house, but my son’s motorcycle wouldn’t start. He told them to go ahead and that he’d meet them at the track.”

She paused, taking a deep breath before continuing. “On the way to the track, a young driver, just sixteen, ran a red light and hit the three riders. The first to be hit was my son’s best friend. My son was beside himself with guilt, convinced it was his fault that he shouldn’t be here anymore because his friend was leaving behind two little girls. He felt responsible for everything. I, on the other hand, was selfishly thankful to God for keeping my son safe and not allowing anything to happen to him, but I was hurt because my son was hurt.  I was hurt thinking of the other mother.”

My heart ached as I listened. I knew too well the depths of guilt and despair that could consume someone in such a situation.

“His friend was in critical condition,” she continued. “Broken neck, back, ribs, collapsed lungs, severe brain damage. The doctors told his mother he wouldn’t survive, and even if he did, he’d be paralyzed. The difficult decision was made to take him off life support. My son was devastated, but I reminded him that God has the final say. We prayed passionately, reaching out to everyone we knew for their prayers.”

She smiled, tears welling up in her eyes. “Three days later, my son went to the hospital. When he spoke to his friend, he saw him lift his finger and give a thumbs-up! Against all odds, he started to recover. The doctors don’t have an explanation. I told my son, ‘You tell them it’s because they possibly don’t know the God we serve.’ Two weeks after the accident, my son’s friend is out of the hospital, learning to walk again, and doing quite well. It’s nothing short of a miracle.”

I felt a profound sense of encouragement wash over me. “Thank you for sharing. It’s a powerful reminder of why we shouldn’t give up no matter what happens! In despair, we witness God’s glory and His miracles.”

She nodded, her tears now flowing freely. “Never give up, Pastor Jin. Trust in God because He has the last word in everything. Nothing comes to pass unless He ordains it. He is the only one who gives life and takes life away. We must completely submit our lives to Him and trust that whatever the outcome is, it is for the best.”

As she left my office, I sat in quiet reflection. It was almost 4:30 p.m. and nearly time to go home. The burden on my heart felt lighter, lifted by her story of faith and perseverance. I know that, despite the challenges, my role is vital. I am here to be a witness and remind others of God’s miraculous works and grace, even in the darkest times.

I rose from my chair with renewed strength, ready to continue my care, hope, and unwavering faith journey. Wow, what a great day! Thank you, Lord!


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