Columbia, Maryland

In December 2013, I was in a particularly hard season, especially around work and finances. I attended the Christmas service at Bridgeway and what happened that day has had a profound impact on my life and my faith.

There came a point in Pastor Anderson’s message when he invited anyone who was in need that Christmas season to come forward. He asked us to humble ourselves and come to the altar. I went forward expecting prayer when Pastor Anderson asked us face the congregation. I waited for the church to pray over us, but instead Pastor Anderson invited people to come forward and bless those of us standing in front with what God had laid on their hearts.

I was overwhelmed and humbled. Tears filled my eyes as one-by-one, generous people from our church walked forward to give me money. I felt like I couldn’t accept any more—it was too generous! I remembered every face as they gave to me like God does, graciously and freely. I was blown away to see God’s divine provision in my life, and God continues to work in my life.

Soon after that Christmas service, I got an opportunity for a new job as a limousine driver. When I shared about the job with Pastor Anderson, he smiled and told me, “I think that job would be perfect for you.” Not only did this job work out, but it lead to another opportunity to become a personal limousine driver for a family. God has blessed me in ways I never expected through the people at Bridgeway, and I give Him all the glory!
