Columbia, Maryland

I met Runhua at a birthday party through a couple from Bridgeway. Runhua is a scientist at NASA, and when we discussed Jesus and faith, it was evident she felt her commitment to science was sometimes at odds with Christian doctrine. In particular, she struggled with the concept of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. Runhua was very sincere and firm in her intellectualized views of Christianity, and she could not suspend her need for scientific evidence in order to fully affirm her faith.

Runhua then left Bridgeway to attend another church, and I didn’t see or hear from her until Palm Sunday this year. She came over to the Connection Corner to say hello and told me she felt led to return to Bridgeway.

She couldn’t explain why she felt a draw to come back, and she still had the same questions about the connections between faith and science. Still, she asked for information about getting connected to other Asian members of our church. I introduced her to Minister Noel, who leads our Korean Language Ministry, and I encouraged her to contact me if she had any questions about anything.

Then, on Easter Sunday, I was serving with the Altar Prayer Team. I looked up, and there was Runhua! With tears in her eyes, she was walking up to the altar. When I asked why she was crying, she told me, “Today, I believe in Jesus Christ, and I want to be baptized.”

Pastor David had preached on the topic of faith and science. He spoke about how science does not prove the absence of God, but instead, shows us how great God truly is. Pastor David cited science as an inspiration for why we ought to worship and praise God! This message ministered to Runhua tremendously, and when the invitation was extended, she responded. Hallelujah!

The resurrection of Jesus had previously been a challenge for Runhua, but she ended up surrendering her life to Christ on the very day we celebrate the Lord’s empty tomb. God met her right where she needed!
